Hapeh Song of the day for January 9th

Get to Know this amazing Rapeh Blend, Nukini Jaguar. 

Nukini (onça ) Jaguar is a recipe prepared with rare plants kept secret to the Nukini people, it is one of their sacred ceremonial blends to connect with the great guardian of the forest and of the ayahuasqueiros, the Jaguar. It is a strong blend appropriate for meditations in the forest or for ceremonial use.

Nukini (onça ) Jaguar is a recipe prepared with rare plants kept secret to the Nukini people, it is one of their sacred ceremonial blends

#nukini #jaguar #rapeh #rapé #hapeh #tradicionalknowledge #ancestralknowledge #originalpeople #Amazon #sustainable #queenoftheforest #amazonmedicines

Buy Nukini Jaguar Hapeh

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