Author Archives: mpurusha

A World Cup where Everybody Wins – Kuntanawa People Promote the Tree Cup

Neither stadiums nor major delegations or major football players. The day after the last game [...]

Pachamama Music on SoundCloud

Listen to our Pachamama Recordings Entirely Free on SoundCloud. Pachamama Church Recordings in Ceremony with [...]

What is Ayahuasca?

Participants in ayahuasca ceremonies often report deeply meaningful experiences, such as visions, emotional release, personal [...]

Why is Palo Santo Used in Ceremonies?

Pau Santo means “sacred wood”. The beginning of the use of this wonderful wood is [...]

Indigenous People Day Should be Everyday

The International Day of the World’s Indigenous People’s is observed on 9 August each year to promote and protect [...]

Creative Release- Full Moon in Scorpio April 29

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”16222″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text] With a full moon in Scorpio you can expect some intense [...]

Kuntanawa Tribe

Located in the Brazilian Amazon, the people of Kuntanawa are one of the twelve known [...]

Haru Kuntanawa

Kuntanawa Chief Leader Haru Kuntanawa Visits with Pachamama Church and Queen of the Forest Haru [...]

Kuntanawa Sananga & Rapé

Sananga Sananga is a plant native to the Amazon, it is used by the people [...]