Author Archives: Marcio Purusha

The Munduruku Indians of Brazil, a Fascinating Amazon Indigenous Tribe

The Munduruku, also known as Munduruku, Weidyenye, Paiquize, Pari, Maytapu and Caras-Pretas, and self-denominated Wuyjuyu [...]

Can you Find the Gift inside the Hippo???

Dear Pachamama Queen of the Forest Family of Juramidam It’s been a real real pleasure [...]

Kuntanawa Tribe – The Amazing Star/Palm Tribe

Xara Xara Brother, Haux Haux. What an awesome blessing was to walk into my friend’s [...]

Tatá Yawanawá travelled on… Good Dreams old Healer

“Tata made the move.” With these few words, indigenous leader Tashka Yawanawa, president of the [...]

Copaiba – a Gift from the Gods?

Copaiba: Nature’s Liquid Gold for Healing and Balance Extracted from the resin of the Copaifera [...]

Catuaba – Indigenous Viagra?

Of Brazilian origin, the catuaba is a tree known for its aphrodisiac properties found in [...]

Fruits of the Amazon Forest – Açaí

Açaí O açaizeiro é uma palmeira da Amazônia que chega a alcançar mais de [...]

Amazon Trees – 300 Years Needed to Catalog all Amazon Tree Species

The fact that the Amazon Forest is recognized as the greatest natural treasure on earth [...]