Pachamama Church Prayers

Pachamama Church Prayers.plant medicine queen of the forest aya Indigenous ceremony healing amazon plants
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Great Spirit

daimeMay the Sun enlighten us by day

And the Moon illuminate our paths at night

May the power of the Stars show us the way

And your Angels watch over us

May our Totem Teachers guide us

May the Queen of the Forest unite with the God within us

And may we thereby heal our Mother Earth and all her creatures

Here and Now


Save Mother Earth


I am a citizen of the world


My LOVE is for ALL of humanity

I pledge allegiance to NO FLAG, NO COUNTRY

I do pledge allegiance to Love, Wisdom, Courage,

Insight, Peace, Devotion and Compassion.

My anthem is OM and I pray for Love and Peace for all.

The only flags I wave are prayer flags.

I have no president, I cast no illusory votes,

And standing naked in nature is my church.




Great Spirit, Mother Earth, Starry Beings

Hear us your children

We are here calling from the Heart

Protect and bless this circle of friends

Gathering to serve the light Within and with All Oneness

Let us sing your praise in the Air

Let our Spirits dance in the fire

Let our souls clean in the waters

And let our actions bless and seed the Earth

in Joy, Here, where we stand, and remain

Only Joy, Peace and Harmony.

Thy will be done

Mitakuye Oyasin



The Aramic Prayer of Yeshua

Lord’s Prayer
Oh you, breathing Life in all, origin of the gleaming sound,

You shine in us and around us,

Even the darkness glows when we remember.

Help us draw a holy breath, in which we feel only you

And may your sound ring in us and purify us.

May your counsel rule our lives and make our intentions clear

For the common creation.

May the burning wish of your heart unify Heaven and Earth

Through our harmony

Grant us daily the bread and insight that we need,

What is necessary for the calling of growing Life.

Release the cords of the errors that bind us

As we let go of that which binds us to the faults of others.

Do not let superficial things lead us astray

But, instead free us from that which holds us back.

From you comes the all-effective Will, the living strength to act

The song that beautifies everything

and which renews itself from age to age.

True vitality to these testimonies!

May they be the ground out of which all of my actions grow.

Sealed in trust and faith. Amen.

Key of Harmony

I wish Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice to all my brothers and sisters.  With the united forces of the silent vibrations of our thoughts, we are strong, healthy and happy, thus forming a link of Universal fraternity.

I am happy and at peace with the whole Universe, and I wish that ALL Beings achieve their most intimate aspirations.

I give thanks to my invisible Father for having established Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice among ALL His children.

So be it,


Yeshua, Mary and Joseph

Chave de Harmonia

Desejo Harmonia, Amor, Verdade e Justiça a todos os meus irmãos.  Com as forças reunidas das silenciosas vibrações dos nossos pensamentos, somos fortes, sádios e felices, formando assim um elo

di fraternidade Universal.

Estou satesfeito e em paz com o Universo inteiro e desjo que todos os seres realizem as suas aspirações mais intimas.

Dou graças ao Pai invisible por ter estabelecido a Harmonia, o Amor, A Verdade, e a Justiça entre todos os seus filhos.

Assim seja,


Yeshua, Maria e Yuzef

Prayer of Charity

God, Our Father, who is ALL Power and Goodness

Give Strength, to those who are going through their trials.

Give Light, to those who are seeking Truth.

Put Compassion and Charity in the Hearts of ALL people.

God!  Give the traveler the guiding star.

The afflicted, consolation; the sick, rest.

Father, give the guilty, repentance; the Spirit, the Truth;

The child, a guide: the orphan, a Father.

Lord!  May Your Goodness extend over ALL you created.

Mercy, Lord, for those who don’t yet know you.

Hope for those who suffer.

May Your Goodness allow the consoling Spirits

To spread Peace, Hope, and Faith everywhere.

God, a ray, a spark of your Love can set the Earth ablaze.

Let us drink in the fountain of this fertile and infinite Goodness,

And all the tears, be dried and all the pains, be soothed.

One single Heart, one single thought will rise up to You,

Like a cry of recognition and Love.

Like Moses on the mountain top, we await You with open arms,

Oh Power, Oh Goodness, Oh Beauty, Oh Perfection,

We deeply desire, in some way, to deserve Your Infinite Mercy!

God, give us the Strength, the Might, to help our progress

in order for us to rise up to YOU.

Give us pure Charity; give us Faith and Reason.

Give us the Simplicity that will make our souls the mirror

Where Your Image must be reflected.

So Be It!


Yeshua, Maria, and Yozef.

Consecration of the Sanctuary

In the Infinite Circle of the Divine Presence which completely envelopes me, – I affirm that:

There is only One Presence here – It is HARMONY, which makes all hearts vibrate with Joy and Light.  Whoever enters here will feel the vibration of Divine Harmony.

There is only One Presence here – It is LOVE.  God is love, which envelopes all beings in a single feeling of unity.  This space is filled with the presence of Love.  In Love, I live, I move, and I exist.  Whoever enters here will feel the Pure and Holy Presence of LOVE.

There is only One Presence here – It is TRUTH.  All that exists here, all that is spoken here, and that is thought here is the expression of Truth.  Whoever enters here will feel the Presence of Truth.

There is only One Presence here – It is GOD, the Life Force.  God is the essential Life Force of all beings; the Health of body and
mind.  Those who choose to enter here will feel the Presence of Life and Health.

There is only One Presence here – GOD, the ABUNDANT.  God is Abundant because through GOD all grows and prospers.  GOD is expressed through the affluence of all that is learned here through the Grace of GOD.  Those who choose to enter here will feel the Divine Presence of PROSPERITY and ABUNDANCE.

Through the esoteric symbol of Divine Wings, I am in Harmonious vibration with the Universal Currents of WISDOM, POWER and JOY.  The Presence of Divine JOY is perceived through all who enter here.

In the perfect communion between my lower and Higher Self, which is GOD in me; I consecrate this Sanctuary to the perfect expression of all the Divine Qualities which are in me and in ALL Beings.

The Vibrations of my thoughts are the Forces of GOD in me, which are stored here and radiated to all Beings, thus creating a Center of Giving and Receiving of all that is Good, Joyful and Prosperous.

I thank you, Oh God, for this sanctuary is filled with Your presence. I thank You, for I live and move within You.

I thank You, for I live in Your Life, Truth and Health, Prosperity, Peace, Wisdom, Joy and Love.

I thank You , for all who enter here will feel Your presence.

I thank You, for I am in Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice with ALL Beings.   

Yeshua, Mary and Joseph.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Support Ancient Voices!” h2_font_container=”font_size:20|color:%230fb507″ h2_google_fonts=”font_family:Playfair%20Display%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” h4=”Help the Forest, Help Our Elders, Help the World” color=”purple” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true”]The benefits of donating are many. Mainly you will be helping us to do something really amazing in the world: spreading the consciousness of gaya and mother nature, making the world a better place, preserving rainforest land and truly making a lot of beautiful people (our elders and our communities) very very happy.