Kuntanawa Tribe

Kuntanawa Tribe queenof the forest ceremony shaman plant medicine aya
Kuntanawa people Indigenous Protectors of the rainforest queen of the forest

Located in the Brazilian Amazon, the people of Kuntanawa are one of the twelve known indigenous tribes that live in the state of Acre. During the beginning the 20th century the people almost became extinct by the arrival of the rubber tapper.  For almost a century the people stayed off the map from the Brazilian government.

The descendants were thought to be wiped out, from the genocide of the Kuntanawa people. At the turn of the 21st century, the Kuntanawa leaders, elders Milton and Mariana, their children and their grandchildren resorted to the government in search of their rights as the protectors of the Kuntanawa land.

This started a new page in history and in the life of the forest; this brought hope to resurrect the knowledge and traditions of their people. Kuntanawa is currently in a phase of reconstruction of their people, spirit, culture, history, and language.  There is a focus to heal from the discrimination of their ancestral heritage. 

The Kuntanawa nation currently has a modest population spread throughout three villages.  There are a total of 100 people, although approximately 400 Kuntanawa can be found in different cities and communities along the riverside. The challenge of the people of Kuntanawa is survival techniques and self-sustainability that were traditionally taught by their ancestors.  These challenges have resulted in the motivation of Kuntanawa to rediscover their traditional ways.

Another area of focus is to gather their people and help them heal from the tyranny.   Now the sacred lands of Kuntanawa are a safe, sacred and prosperous once again.

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