Tag Archives: Ayahuasca Documentary Film

Tata Yawanawa, Yawanawá leader makes his passage

(Text translated and edited from Xapuri.info) “Tata made the move.” With these few words, indigenous [...]

Could the Mayan Prophecies by Correct? Is this Really the Apocalypse?

Mayan Prophecy – The Mayan Prophecies describe the situation of the world in details but [...]

Ancient Voices Interviews

View some of the interviews we filmed in 2015 and recently added subtitles so our [...]

ICAROS SHAMANICOS – Ayahuasca ceremonies

Mother, Teacher, Doctor Ayahuasca. Keep away from my mind, my heart, my spirit and body; [...]

Ancient Voices – An Ayahuasca Documentary Film

Ancient Voices 2015 Trailer Ancient Voices Trailer from Marcio Dias on Vimeo.