Fun and Deep

aya music sacred music art ceremony plant medicine shaman queen of the forest

Positive Depths



May grace lead us wisely and strongly to complete our commitments.    May each word and act  be filled with true understanding and tolerance of the views of others.

May we continue to see the universe as our perfect mirror and absorb each moment of learning it offers us. May we respond to life in gratitude of the perfection of all we experience. May we understand the importance of releasing thoughts and feelings that do not sit well inside us.   

May love be so strong within our being that it overrides all else. May we realise that bliss and joy are not words made for others, but that we not only can, but deserve to live in a state of such happiness.

And may all these steps allow us to fully experience the delight of our service  as we dance the final steps on our path homeward bound. Love and blessings


Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.


 La union hace la fuerza * Union is Strength

Posted by Mabel Katz on Thursday, July 17, 2014