Category Archives: Forest People

There were an estimated ten million Natives living in the Amazonian Rainforest five centuries ago. Today there are less than 200,000.

Awa Guaja Indian Tribe of Brazil

Native indian Awa Guaja of Brazil. Mother with child. The Awa- Guaja inhabit the forests [...]

The Munduruku Indians of Brazil, a Fascinating Amazon Indigenous Tribe

The Munduruku, also known as Munduruku, Weidyenye, Paiquize, Pari, Maytapu and Caras-Pretas, and self-denominated Wuyjuyu [...]

Kuntanawa Tribe – The Amazing Star/Palm Tribe

Xara Xara Brother, Haux Haux. What an awesome blessing was to walk into my friend’s [...]

Tatá Yawanawá travelled on… Good Dreams old Healer

“Tata made the move.” With these few words, indigenous leader Tashka Yawanawa, president of the [...]

The Puyanawa Tribe

Like many peoples of Acre, the Puyanawa suffered heavily from the boom in rubber and [...]

Tata Yawanawa, Yawanawá leader makes his passage

(Text translated and edited from “Tata made the move.” With these few words, indigenous [...]

Os “índios” do Brasil

Brazilians categorized themselves as Native. Brazilian natives have [...]