What is Ayahuasca?

Participants in ayahuasca ceremonies often report deeply meaningful experiences, such as visions, emotional release, personal [...]

The Importance of the Indian Culture for Brazil

Contemporary Brazil is more indigenous than is usually supposed. Although culturally transformed by the secular [...]

Everyday Was Day of the Indian

Dia dos Indios 2019 – Day of the Indian 2019 This is one of my [...]

What is Rapeh? The Brazilian Amazon Indigenous Sacred Snuff

 What is Rapéh (Hapeh, Rapé, Hapé) Snuff?  The Rapéh (pronounced “Ha-peh”) snuff is a sacred [...]

Pinuya Village Ayahuasca Brewing Ceremony

Come Brew the Sacred Medicines with the Kaxinawa People in their Sacred Land 12th to [...]

Why is Palo Santo Used in Ceremonies?

Pau Santo means “sacred wood”. The beginning of the use of this wonderful wood is [...]

Indigenous People Day Should be Everyday

The International Day of the World’s Indigenous People’s is observed on 9 August each year to promote and protect [...]