Tata Yawanawa, Yawanawá leader makes his passage

(Text translated and edited from Xapuri.info) “Tata made the move.” With these few words, indigenous [...]

Could the Mayan Prophecies by Correct? Is this Really the Apocalypse?

Mayan Prophecy – The Mayan Prophecies describe the situation of the world in details but [...]

Mestre Irineu – Raimundo Irineu Serra, Founder of the Santo Daime Tradition

Raimundo Irineu Serra, better known among us as Mestre Irineu, was born on December 15th, [...]

Ancient Voices Documentary Artistic Cut 2014

Ancient Voices Documentary Artistic Cut 2014 Ancient Voices is a series of documentary films featuring [...]

Ancient Voices Documentary 2014

Ancient Voices Documentary Trailer 2014 Ancient Voices is a series of documentary films featuring the [...]

Ancient Voices Documentary Original Trailer

Ancient Voices Documentary – 2017 Rough Cut Ancient Voices is a documentary film about Ayahuasca [...]

Daime Hymns Download and Playlists

Glauco Villas Boas [s3bubbleAudio bucket=”pachamamamusic” folder=”Daime/Glauco Vilas Boas/O chaveirinho” height=”” autoplay=”false” playlist=”hidden” desc download=”true” preload=”auto”/] [...]

Pachamama Music Player

[smarticon name=”fa fa-headphones”][thrive_toggles_group”][thrive_toggles title=”Start Here” no=”1/1″] Namaste Tribe! We are so excited to finally be [...]

Download Page

[thrive_tabs layout=”horz”][thrive_tab headline=”Play Music” no=”1/4″]   [thrive_toggles_group”][thrive_toggles title=”Pachamama Music” no=”1/8″][s3bubbleAudio bucket=”pachamamamusic” folder=”Ayahuasca Music/The Hits 1″ [...]