Music Updates for QoF Members

Heya! This is the page you want to bookmark and keep checking back if you are a member and want to stay up to date with our available Hinarios. This page works for all membership levels. Updates for Pachamama Lovers and Stewards will show up on your Respective Download Pages. If don’t have a paid membership yet, click here to find out why you should. Here’s the link to Folder with the books of the Hinarios for Download. All the Files on this page will have the password of pachamama16.

Lucio Mortimer with Lucio Singing.

Many people have heard to the story of a hippie that came to Pedrinho’s community early on and was responsible to introduce Padrinho to Santa Maria. Lucio was an amazing man a leader of the Santo Daime community. It is a pity that he left us still so young. His Hinario is beautiful and inspiring and we are happy to share it with you. Here’s the link to the music: the password is pachamama16

Madrinha Cristina in Mapia

Some of you know Cires Beija-Mar the singer and puxadora from Mapia that joined Pachamama Ceremonies a few times. This is the hinario of her Grand Mother and one of the main elders of the Santo Daime doctrine who helped Padrinho Sebastiao and Mad. Rita form the community.

Hinario da Madrinha Julia – Recorded in Mapia

Madrinha Julia, sister of Madrinha Rita and therefore being sister in law of Padrinho Sebastiao, is said to be the favorite person of Padrinho. Certainly she is the female leader of the community, being responsible for holding the Oracao daily and working to maintain her children and the children of her children and the children of her children children too. She also has the parrot that sings I am the Shine Of Sun among other hymns.