The Tsunu rapé snuff from the Yawanawa is a power medicine that connects you to the power of Yoshibu (Great Spirit). So whenever used should be with respect, because it is sacred.
Indigenous rapé snuff (pronounced “ha-pay”) is a smokeless tobacco powder blended with other herbs and ash tree ground into a fine, aromatic powder that is blown into the nostrils . Its use is ancient and has been present throughout many regions and eras. Rapé’s most interesting feature is the use by indigenous tribes and the caboclos of the forest, who use it for various purposes , including medicinal and ceremonial . It is said to increase the brain synapsis and to have a psychosomatic healing property, clear the nostrils and encourage production of the body’s natural DMT.
One of our most popular blends, The Tsunu Rapeh is a beautiful rapéh originally from the Yawanawa tribe. This rapéh is a mix of tobacco and Tsunu ash. Tsunu rapeh is one of the oldest blends and is known for its powerful effects – clarity, grounding, focus, and internal heath power. It is great for sustained use over long periods. Tsunu is the perfect blend for a body, mind, and spirit reset, as it will clear the bad energies while keeping your grounded. It is a smooth, aromatic rapéh that resonates well with anyone that uses it.
Travis –
Wow!!! I haven’t felt such mental clarity in a very long time. This product is fantastic! My mind is no longer racing and I feel as if I’m realigned. Definitely has a grounding effect. I’m at ease and couldn’t be happier.
Marcio Purusha –
So happy you like it Travis. I feel exactly the same way.
megan.wirth –
beautiful, clean, not too heavy, and illuminating of the heart and love of tobaccito
powerproweb –
I love the Tsunu Rapéh… It helps me focus on levels I never knew possible… And… there is a somber peace that accompanies the clairity as well… Excellent product, I can not wait to try some of the other products!
fimon44 –
Very nice, love this one, put everything in balance for me and a calm mind! Thank you!
medicinegrace –
i had a deep, humbling experience with this rapé after ceremony this past moon. while sitting at the base of mount pisgah by a river, i had an epiphany related to childhood sexual trauma, which arose from the profound mental clarity of this particular powerful medicine. this brought spiritual insight, tears from my heart, and grounding into my womb and whole body, even opening my jaw and throat. i truly felt cleansed and released on all levels. some sort of magical transmutation happened. so thankful for the brother that shared this with me! gratitude to and for our yawanawá relatives and the plant beings who have shared and gifted this to us. deepest appreciation for queen of the forest for bringing it to us. i highly recommend this with much heart! i do believe this rapé brings forth the spirit of health, peace and higher intelligence. <3 thank you mama earth <3