How Can I Help Save the Rainforest?

There are many ways you can be a part of the solution. Our vision is to create a platform of opportunities for anyone that wishes to save the planet, while there is still time…

How We Can Change Our Lifestyles To Preserve The Rainforest, Part 1

We should all be concerned with saving the rainforest, and we can do our part by making small changes to our lifestyles. If everyone chose to do so, the results would be amazing. Trees offer us beauty and shade of those hot summer afternoons. Trees also help reduce the effects of carbon dioxide. Planting more trees is a very easy way you can help the to preserve the rainforest and the environment in general plus adding to the beauty of life. 


Daily Habits

  • Eat only local grass fed beef (it’s better for you anyway)
  • Don’t buy furniture that is made with woods from the rainforest
  • Watch your consumption of soy, large pieces of rainforest land are cut for the cultivation of soy
  • Purchase rainforest lands for preservation
  • Purchase art from rainforest people
  • Support organizations that support the rainforest – donate time or money or both to these organizations. Some examples are: RAN, RAW, others…
  • Reduce your carbon emission

Support World Land Trust and Buy an Acre of Rainforest

World Land Trust (WLT) amazon-jungle-wallpaperis a project dedicated to saving threatened habitats acre by acre, creating protected nature reserves across the world. You can help them create new or extend existing reserves by buying acres and providing more safe havens for some of Earth’s most vulnerable wildlife. Help save real acres, in real places.



Reduce Your Carbon Emission

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to our global community nowadays, and it’s very important that governments worldwide take a stance towards changing industry standards and local policies to help reduce the amount of CO2 we release in the air. By taking a few different steps to reduce our own carbon emissions, we can serve as an example to our communities and help others see this as a possibility. “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Here are some links with helpful information on how to do this from your home.

The Energy Saving Trust –
Save a Tonne –
GreenTraveller –
Meat Free Monday –


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