The name Huni Kuin means The True People but are more commonly known as the kaxinawa, in Brazil the total population counts 7,900 members. In Peru it is estimated that their total population numbers approximately 2,100. Maybe because they are spread over such a vast regioon, their rhape’ follows a variety of recipes, ingrediantsand ways of using.
Iban Huni Kuin Hapé (New!!)
This is a powerful blend that carries the name of its maker, Iban a kaxinawa or Huni Kuin from the Jurua’ region. This hapé is made with Cacau ashes and his personal blend of local herbs. Very nice! The crew here approves.
joshuadouglasjohn –
As seems to be the case with other blends where the maker is acknowledged, there seem to be an indelible aspect of that person’s spirit imbued within the rape’, and to me it feels easier to offer gratitude to the plants and to the tribes when their names are known. To me, this blend is of ‘moderate’ strength and carries a good amount of focus after use.