Rainforest Awareness Worldwide (RAW)
is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and preserving the rain forests of South America and the cultures of the people who inhabit them.
Our focus is on disseminating facts, history and social aspects, such as religion and economics, of the people who live there.We are bringing awareness to the treasures that the rainforest has to offer us.
From educational projects with the elders of the Amazon rainforest to cultural and spiritual seminars, films, music, products from the forest and much more. We work to preserve and spread their culture while bringing economic prosperity to these communities.
Our goal is to empower the people of the rainforest and aid in the economic development of the communities to help preserve their history and culture, as well as to create a viable means for sustainable social and economic development. We aim to give grants to worthy, qualified, non-profit projects working to preserve the rain forests and the people of the forest.
RAW is also working to create public rainforest education materials in the United States and beyond through our books, websites, links, resources, video and feature film projects. We are creating venues for the marketing of art, objects and products coming from the communities and more. Visit our Shop and Acquire indigenous sacreds as well as rainforest art and medicines.